Unacceptable Behaviour Policy

At Chosen, we are committed to providing an exceptional level of service to all our clients and members of the public. Our team is dedicated to treating everyone with courtesy, respect, and fairness, and we expect the same in return.

We are committed to ensuring the welfare, safety, and well-being of our staff. As such, we operate a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of abusive, aggressive, or unreasonable behaviour. This policy outlines our approach to managing such behaviour when it arises.


Unacceptable Behaviour

We understand that property transactions and related matters can be stressful. However, aggression, abuse, or unreasonable behaviour directed at our staff will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

All our staff have the right to work in a safe environment, free from aggression or abuse. Examples of behaviour we consider unacceptable include but are not limited to:

  • Behaviour or language (verbal or written) that is offensive, upsetting, threatening, or abusive
  • Insulting, degrading, or defamatory language
  • Unfounded allegations against staff members
  • Personal grudges or targeted criticism against specific staff members
  • Threats of violence or actual physical harm

Additionally, comments directed at third parties may also be deemed unacceptable if they negatively impact our staff who are exposed to them.


Examples of Unacceptable Behaviour

The following are examples of conduct that we deem unacceptable:

  • Verbal abuse, shouting, obscene or offensive remarks, and rudeness
  • Undermining staff or questioning their competence in a derogatory manner
  • Threatening behaviour, including implied or explicit threats
  • Discriminatory comments, including but not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or other harassment based on personal characteristics
  • Persistently demanding disciplinary action against staff without reasonable cause
  • Recording calls, meetings, or interactions without prior consent


How We Manage Unacceptable or Unreasonable Behaviour

Where we identify behaviour that we consider unacceptable or unreasonable, we may take one or more of the following actions to protect our staff and ensure a safe working environment:

  • Restricting or ending contact with the individual on the specific matter
  • Limiting contact on all matters
  • Requesting that all future communication is conducted via a third-party representative or advocate
  • Temporarily or permanently ending all contact with the individual
  • Reporting incidents to the police (e.g., in cases of verbal abuse or threats of violence)
  • Taking any other actions deemed appropriate, including blocking calls, emails, or returning correspondence


Factors We May Consider

In determining the appropriate course of action, we will consider the following:

  • The impact of the behaviour on our staff
  • Any relevant personal circumstances of the individual, including the need for reasonable adjustments
  • The extent to which the individual’s concerns have already been addressed or exhausted
  • Whether the relationship can reasonably be continued in a productive manner


Reconsideration of Restrictions

Restrictions or actions taken under this policy may be reviewed if the individual demonstrates a commitment to engage with courtesy and respect. Considerations for lifting restrictions may include:

  • A sufficient period of time has passed since the behaviour occurred
  • The individual provides an apology for their unacceptable behaviour
  • A more suitable channel for communication becomes available
  • Evidence is presented showing that exceptional circumstances contributed to the behaviour


This policy is in place to ensure a safe, respectful, and productive environment for our staff and clients. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.